Friday, July 4, 2008

Free Criminal History

A friend of mine went for a job interview the other day and was asked to bring with him his criminal history report. Now, as you probably know, it sucks you got to pay for the damn thing yourself.

Anyway, Matt, took it with him. But what the employer didn't know was that it took him ages to come up with it. You see, Matt thought he could find his free criminal history somewhere on the net. So he checked around different sites and all for it.

Now, I don't know about you, but my time is important. You see, there is only a few hours in a day, where I'm not slaving away for a boss. So anytime that someone asks me to do something, I'm making sure that I'm not wasting my time.

You see, getting back to Matt, he's a good friend and all, but he always thinks he can get stuff done for free. Now don't get me wrong. He's my friend and all. But there's times where you just got to bite the bullet and pay for stuff. In this case, a criminal history check.

Anyway, he checked the net for a few days for a free criminal history site. And you know what? He came back with nothing. Absolutely zilch.

So after all the wasted time, he used a site called Government Records to do his criminal history search. You see, with Government Records, you get full access in a matter of minutes of joining. That means you can do a search on yourself and on others in a matter of minutes.

Anyway, if you need to know your criminal history or that of others, make sure you have a look at Government Records.

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