Monday, June 23, 2008

Criminal Records And Teachers

If you have a son and daughter at school, you know how important it's to have a teacher who doesn't have criminal records. And if it worries you a little sometimes, then you're probably going to be even more shocked by what's happening in Vancouver.

You see, the teachers there are calling the shots. And the reason why has all got to do with criminal records checks. Now, it does surprise me how the are carrying on. Because teachers are one of the most respected occupations in our society.

Anyway, the problems come down to a new law which is being introduced which will require teachers to have criminal records checks every 5 years. You see, teachers think that criminal records checks are useless and they don't work.

But I think this is a poor excuse. You see, how hard is it to get a criminal records check done. In fact, using something like Government Records, you could get detailed criminal records checks done in a matter of minutes. And I'm talking about a number of teachers too.

Anyway, as parents, I would love if they were to make teachers have criminal records checks done every year. 5 years seems a long time for me.

Could the teachers who don't want this new law to go through be hiding something?

Sounds fishy to me.

Anyway, for more criminal records checks, have a look at Government Records.

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